Pencil Cup Cozy – Crochet Pattern

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I wanted to make my son’s kindergarten teacher something extra special for the Christmas season, so I decided to crochet her a pencil cup cozy and a little apple with an adorable face. The apple pattern is a free pattern on Sewrella’s blog. The pencil mug cozy is of my own design.


  • Worsted weight yarn in yellow.
    (I used Hobby Lobby’s I love this Cotton! in Banana)
  • Worsted weight yarn in pink.
    (I used Hobby Lobby’s I love this Cotton! in Pink)
  • Worsted weight yarn in grey.
    (I used Hobby Lobby’s I love this Cotton! in Dove)
  • Worsted weight yarn in ivory.
    (I used Hobby Lobby’s I love this Cotton! in Ivory)
  • Worsted weight yarn in black.
    (I used Hobby Lobby’s I love this Cotton! in Black)
  • Size G (4.0mm) Crochet Hook
  • Yarn Needle
  • Small Button

Stitches in this pattern:

12” before loop
Gauge: 10 sts x 10 rows = 2” x 2” worked in sc
❤♡♡♡ – Beginner
ch(s) = Chain(s)
sp(s) = space(s)
st(s) = stitch(es)
sl st = Slip Stitch
sk = Skip
sc = Single Crochet
sc dec = Single Crochet Decrease
FO = Finish Off

Cup Cozy:

With pink, ch 15.
Row 1. sc in 2nd ch and each ch across, ch 1, turn. (14)
Row 2-5. sc in each st across, ch 1, turn. (14)

Change to grey.
Row 6-7. sc in each st across, ch 1. turn. (14)

Change to yellow.
Row 8-56. sc in each st across, ch 1, turn. (14)

Change to ivory.
Row 57. sc in each st across, ch 1, turn. (14)
Row 58. sc dec, sc 10, sc dec, ch 1, turn. (12)
Row 59. sc in each st across, ch 1, turn. (12)
Row 60. sc dec, sc 8, sc dec, ch 1, turn. (10)
Row 61. sc dec, sc 6, sc dec, ch 1, turn. (8)
Row 62. sc dec, sc 4, sc dec, ch 1, turn. (6)

Change to black.
Row 63. sc in each st across, ch 1, turn. (6)
Row 64. sc dec, sc 2, sc dec, ch 1, turn. (4)
Row 65. sc dec twice, ch 1, turn. (2)
Row 66. sc dec. (1)
Ch 7, sl st to sc. FO. Sew on button in the middle of the grey rows.

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  1. […] Pencil Cup Cozy by My Creative Blog […]


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