Samuel Wilkins – Newborn Photography

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Samuel Wilkins was born on September 28, 2015 weighing 7lbs 7oz and measuring 19.5 inches long. I had the opportunity to take his newborn photos at a month old. Although he was a little harder to work with at a month old, as he would not sleep for us, I still think we managed to get some amazing pictures.

This was my first newborn photoshoot, aside from capturing a pic or two of my nieces or sons. Newborn photography is definitely a little more difficult than one might think. You may not be struggling to get them to smile, but you are struggling to get them posed properly, keep them asleep, and keep them warm. By far, posing is the hardest, especially if you don’t have the proper equipment, such as newborn posers. This being my first newborn photoshoot, I didn’t have a lot of newborn props. Luckily, I had read that a boppy can be used to pose newborns easily for photos. This I do have. I still had one from when my sons were younger. Also, to help with warmth, I used a portable heater which I use to avoid having to turn on the furnace too soon in the varying Pennsylvania Fall weather. For cloths, I just picked up some discounted fabric from the craft store. The kind that is left over from cuts but isn’t enough to put back out to sell. I’m big into crocheting, so I definitely had some hat and diaper covers to use in the photos, as well. Photographing newborns within the first two weeks is ideal, but a month old isn’t impossible.

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